Pardon the dust
I'm in the midst of updating this site. Until it's updated, please choose another site to be your homepage. ;)
About Me
I'm from Florida (yes, that Florida). I graduated from Dartmouth and then decided to pursue a PhD in neuroscience at the University of Oxford.
Since then
I dropped out of my PhD program, moved to San Francisco, spent some time at startups, and created and sold Assistant.to
During my last few years in San Francisco, I volunteered at the SPCA (donate) and headed up design and user experience at Autolist. Then, I experimented working remotely around the world.
I'm building a product I absolutely love (and think at least some of you will, too) - The InnerWebs™ and occasionally mentoring startups at 500 Startups.
Contact Me
Questions, comments, complaints ;) ? Get in touch with me.
Or email me: jowo [at] jowo [dot] co